Audience | Kicking Off The NYU Entrepreneurs Challenge

Hi y’all! We’re Audience, a startup out to change the market research industry with AI-simulated customers trained on real-world data. We’re excited to be part of NYU’s Entrepreneurship Challenge, where we’ll be refining our pitch on this game-changing approach to customer feedback and market insights. 

What is Audience:

Quality market research is hard. What if AI could realistically and transparently simulate how real people think and act? Inspired by groundbreaking AI research from Harvard and Brigham Young, Audience aims to bring the power of large language models and AI to data and insights teams with questions for customers. With an easy to use demographic builder interface and the ability to “virtualize” customers via the AI large language model of your choice, we will unlock rapid iteration and fine tuning of messaging for companies of any size. Build a cohort that exactly matches your target customer. Submit copy, images, or video to get a representative take on whether or not your work resonates. Or, drill down into an unexpected response by sidebarring with an AI respondent. The goal is to enable instantaneous, affordable, representative market feedback for any business decision, regardless of price sensitivity or time constraints 

What We're Excited About:

As a team of Google and Microsoft veterans, we’re excited to connect with other startup founders. We got some early advice that the founder network is a key resource for everything from securing funding to finding prospective customers to ongoing moral support. Also, we’re excited for coaching/mentorship! We’re in the business of feedback, so nods (or nays) from seasoned pros are as good as gold to us.

Our Strategy for the Challenge:

How it Works:

Our Strategy for the Challenge:

In a word, sprint 🏇 

  • Inside the confines of the Challenge, we’re hitting up all the networking events and workshops. Connecting with other founders and taking advantage of our mentor’s (shout out to David Pring of BlindSpot Partners) deep industry experience is a top priority. We want to swap stories, challenges, and wins, scoring fresh perspectives and possible collaborations along the way.
  • Outside of the challenge, we’re aggressively pursuing pilots with direct-to-consumer companies who want to boost customer retention and lifetime value by extending their first-party data with AI. We’re also running a series of public experiments simulating key races in the 2024 Presidential election (read more here and join our waitlist to get notified as new posts come out). 


The goal? Raise Audience’s profile as the go-to in market research innovation.

What We Want to Learn:

We’re here to learn. Our peers have diverse experiences, and we’re all ears for insights on pitfalls, optimizations, and growth hacks. From the Berkley Center team, we’re thirsty for knowledge on finding first customers and converting them into loyalists. Navigating a first fundraise, sharpening our market assumptions and ideal customer profile, and bringing on full-time employees are all on our hit list. It’s all about gearing up Audience for long-term success.

In a Nutshell

NYU’s Entrepreneurship Challenge isn’t just a stage for Audience to flaunt our market research and software development skills – it’s a chance to connect, learn, and evolve. We’re ready for the rollercoaster ahead, so buckle up and stay tuned! 🚀

Team: John Bennett (Tandon ’24), Phil Bennett

About the Venture: Audience uses AI and data science to virtualize customers for instantaneous, representative input on product, marketing, or advertising decisions.

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